1:1 College & Scholarship Coaching

Equipping you with all the resources you need to obtain a debt-free education!

    1. What is 1:1 College & Scholarship Coaching

    2. Securing Degrees Orientation "Rules to Scholarships"

    3. What to Expect from the 1:1 College & Scholarship Coaching

    4. Success Stories: "Real Students, Real Stories"

    5. How to be Successful in the 1:1 College & Scholarship Coaching Program

    1. Complete Onboarding Forms

    2. Onboarding Forms Checklist

    3. What's Next After Submitting Onboarding Forms?

    4. Schedule Onboarding Call

    1. Activate Your Tracker & Dashboard

    2. How to use the Scholarship Tracker & Dashboard

    3. How to use the Scholarship Resource Guide

    4. How to use the College Tracker & Accountability Dashboard

    5. How to Connect with College & Scholarship Experts [Questions & Chat Hotline]

    1. Mastering the Scholarship Essay: Crafting Winning Responses to Secure Your Future

    2. LEARN: Essay 1: Describe a challenge or obstacle you have overcome. What did you learn from this, and how can you apply these lessons in the future?

    3. APPLY: Essay 1_Challenge Reflection Exercise

    4. LEARN: Essay 2: Why do you deserve this scholarship? How will this scholarship benefit you and your overall community?

    5. APPLY: Essay 2_Deserving Scholar Reflection & Brainstorming Exercise

    6. LEARN: Essay 3: How have you helped shape your community?

    7. APPLY: Essay 3_Community Impact Visualization Exercise

    8. LEARN: Essay 4: What is your greatest accomplishment and why?

    9. APPLY: Essay 4_ Community Impact Visualization Exercise

    10. LEARN: Essay 5: Describe your past leadership roles and what you have learned from them?

    11. APPLY: Essay 5_Leadership Reflection Exercise

    12. LEARN: Essay 6: In your opinion, what is the most important issue in society today? How would you tackle this problem?

    13. APPLY: Essay 6_Tackling Societal Issues Exercise

    1. How to Identify the Best Recommenders

    2. Requesting a Recommendation

    3. Financial Aid Appeal Template

    4. How to apply for Colleges Not Found on Common App

About 1:1 College & Scholarship Coaching

  • 33 lessons

Say Goodbye to Wasted Time on Dead-End Scholarships

Get Each Essay Edited by Our Experts! Unlock Scholarship Success: Handpicked Opportunities Tailored to You

Personalized College Coaching: Your Pathway to Success

With our 1:1 college and scholarship coaching, you'll receive dedicated support and guidance tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.

Securing Degrees University - Your Gateway to On-Demand Resources

Our platform houses a wealth of valuable materials, including how-to-write essay videos, expert-led trainings, guides, templates, and more.

Securing Degrees University - Your Gateaway to On-Demand Resources

Our platform houses a wealth of valuable materials, including how-to-write essay videos, expert-led trainings, guides, templates, and more.

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Real Stories, Real Results.

Scholars Have Earned Over $20 Million In Scholarship Offers While Working With Securing Degrees.

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Start Winning Scholarships?

Learn more about our services and offerings by visiting our website!


Unlock your path to a debt-free education by taking advantage of scholarship tracking and accountability. Take control of your financial future and embark on a transformative journey towards achieving a debt-free education.

  • Increased Scholarship Success: Our tracking and accountability system helps you stay on top of your scholarship applications, ensuring that you submit them on time and meet all the requirements. This proactive approach increases your chances of success and maximizes your opportunities for securing scholarships.

  • Time-saving: Tracking scholarships manually can be time-consuming, involving multiple websites, documents, and deadlines. With a tracking system, you can streamline the process, easily access all the information you need, and save time searching for relevant scholarships.

  • Personalized Accountability and Support: Our program offers a strong sense of accountability and support to keep you on track towards your debt-free education goals.

  • Streamlined Scholarship Search: The scholarship tracking and accountability component of our program provides you with a centralized platform to efficiently search and track relevant scholarship opportunities.

  • Financial Planning: Tracking your scholarships and awards allows you to have a clear overview of the financial assistance you've secured. This information helps you plan and manage your educational expenses effectively, making informed decisions about tuition, textbooks, and other costs.

  • Access to Resources and Support: Securing Degrees provides additional resources, such as essay writing tips, interview preparation guidance, and financial aid information. These resources enhance your scholarship application process and increase your chances of success.

Are you ready to Start Winning Scholarships?

Learn more about our services and offerings by visiting our website!

Pricing options

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